The "Choose or Create an Administrator" page is displayed when you select Administrators from the Super Administrator Tasks section at the bottom of the main menu. (Only the designated super administrator for your site will be able to view this section of the "Choose Administrative Task" page.) This page will enable you to create and modify administrator information.

NOTE: Creating and modifying an administrator are similar tasks to creating and modifying an end user, since an administrator is a special class of user with certain system privileges. However, there are some important differences, and these are noted below.

To create an administrator:

Create Unlike user information, Banner ePrint administrator information is not automatically taken from the security extract. Instead, you must create the ID and password that the administrator will use for accessing the system. Simply key in a unique alphanumeric administrator ID in the space provided at the bottom of the dialog and click Create. The "Edit Administrator" page appears; for information on that page, see "Using the Edit Administrator Page".

To modify administrator information:

Edit You modify an administrator's name, email address, password, etc. just as you would an end user's. You simply select the administrator to be maintained (using the "lookup" feature), click Edit, and the "Edit Administrator" page is displayed. For more information, see the "Using the Edit Administrator Page" topic.

To maintain an administrator's repositories:

Unlike a user ID, an administrator ID can be associated with more than one repository. The page for maintaining an administrator's repositories is similar to the page for maintaining a user's groups.

Repositories First you select the administrator whose repositories are to be maintained and click Repositories. Then you use the Add and Remove buttons to add repositories to or remove repositories from the administrator's profile. For more information on the "Edit Repositories" dialog, see "Using the Edit Repositories Page".

To delete an administrator from Banner ePrint:

Delete From time to time, you may need to delete an administrator ID from the system. The procedure and screen are very similar to those for deleting users. You simply select the administrator to be deleted and click Delete. A confirmation message will appear, to verify your intentions. Click OK to delete the administrator ID. A diagnostic message will confirm the deletion.

Related Topics

Maintaining Users (Overview)
Change an Administrator's password
Maintaining Permitted Functions