NOTE: This function is not applicable to Banner defined repositories.

When you select Users from the User Tasks section of the main menu, the "Choose or Create a User" page appears. This page enables you to create and modify user-related information. Remember that this page pertains only to users in the selected repository, that is, the repository you selected at login. If a user has access to more than one repository, you must maintain that user information separately.

Typically, user information (user ID, password, name, etc.) is automatically taken from a security extract from your report-generating application. After the extract is loaded, you may need to modify user information or update the groups associated with a particular user. For information on a specific task, follow the links below:

Creating a User Manually

Modifying Existing User Information

Maintaining a User's Groups

Deleting a User from the System

Related Topics

Maintaining User Groups
Maintaining Security