NOTE: This function is not applicable to Banner defined repositories.

The security definition file for each repository maps to a particular system on your organization's report-generating application, and provides information to Banner ePrint on system security. This file is the control file for the security loader program, which loads authentication data (user IDs/passwords) and authorization data (value-based security elements) from your report-generating application into the ePrint database.

ePrint's wizard will prompt you for all the necessary information. When completed, the wizard will create the configuration file that is required in order for ePrint to utilize the report-generating application system's security features.

There is only one security definition file per repository, and setting it up accurately is critical to the implementation of ePrint. Ellucian's training will assist you with this setup step. Ongoing maintenance is minimal, and typically will only be required if you add a new repository or new page keys (VBS elements).

1. Access the security definition file wizard.

From the User Tasks section of the main menu, select Security. The "Basic Security Information" page is displayed; see below.

2. Page through the wizard's sections and select and/or key in the required information.

For information on navigating through an ePrint wizard, see the "Navigating through a Banner ePrint Wizard" topic. For information on a specific section of the wizard, follow the links below:

Basic Security Information

Authentication Information

Value-Based Security

3. Select the Finished button to save your changes or the Cancel button to discard (ignore) your updates.

After you select the Finished or the Cancel button, the system displays the wizard's confirmation page. Then you can either exit the wizard or re-open it to make additional changes. For information about this page, see the "Using a Wizard's Confirmation Page" topic.