NOTE: This help page describes a specific user maintenance task. If you need more background information on maintaining users, see the "Maintaining Users (Overview)" topic.

This function is not applicable to Banner defined repositories.

You may need to create a user that does not exist on your report-generating application. You can authorize an individual to view and print a set of ePrint reports, even if he or she does not have access to your organization's application system reports. When you create a user manually, the user ID can be linked to group-level security only; value-based security will not apply.

You also may manually create a user that exists on your report-generating application, but has not yet been defined to Banner ePrint. For example, there might be a new user, but the security definition file has not been updated. In this case, you should use the same user ID as in your report-generating application.

Create the user ID.

CreateFirst you must create the user ID that the individual will use when logging into ePrint. Key in a unique alphanumeric identifier in the space provided (near the bottom of the dialog) and click the Create button shown at left. Make careful note of the user ID, so that this information can be communicated to the user, along with his or her password. The user ID is not case-sensitive. Once created, you cannot modify a user ID, but you can delete the user and start over again.

Specify the user information.

After the Create button is selected, the "Edit User" page will appear, so that you may enter identifying data for the new user. (If you specified a user ID that is already in use, the existing user data will appear in the "Edit User" page.) For information on using this page, see the "Using the Edit User Page" topic.

Related Topics

Maintaining Users (Overview)
Using the "Edit User" Page