NOTE: This help page describes a specific user maintenance task. If you need more background information on maintaining users, see the "Maintaining Users (Overview" topic.

This function is not applicable to Banner defined repositories.

You can associate each user with one or more user groups. In turn, each user group is associated with a specific set of reports. Banner ePrint users will only be able to view and print the reports that are associated with their group(s).

When the security extract from your report-generating application is first loaded, all the users that are created are placed in a default user group. (The default group is "USERS".) Users in the default group will have access to all reports, by default.

This page will guide you in maintaining the groups for a particular user. In order to perform this task, you must have already created the user groups for your organization. For information about maintaining groups, see the "Maintaining User Groups (Overview)" topic.

1. Select the user whose groups you wish to maintain.

If the user whose groups you wish to maintain is not in context on the "Choose or Create a User" page (that is, if the correct user ID does not appear in the list box at the top of the dialog), you can either key in the user ID, if known, or "look up" the user.

2. Select the Groups button.

GroupsWhen the correct user ID is in context, click the Groups button shown at left. The "Edit Groups" page appears, with the selected user ID displayed in the title bar and dialog box. For information about using this page, see the "Using the Edit Groups Page" topic.

Related Topics

Maintaining Users (Overview)
Maintaining User Groups (Overview)