The Repositories page allows you to create and maintain your organization's repositories.
A repository is a storage area for a set of related reports, along with security data and other rules that will enable Banner ePrint to access and format the report data. Each ePrint repository typically corresponds to one of your applications (for example, finance or human resources). You may define an unlimited number of repositories, based on your requirements.
Accurately defining the repositories is critical to the implementation of ePrint, and Ellucian's training will assist you with this important setup procedure. Ongoing maintenance is minimal, and typically will be required only if you add a new application.
For information on a specific repository maintenance task, see below.
Name: | Type the identifier to be used internally for this repository. It should be a short name. No spaces are allowed. |
Label: | Type the label or user-friendly name that you want to be displayed to the users to identify the repository. Spaces are allowed.![]() |
Sharedsecurity: | This field indicates where ePrint will obtain it's security information. Selecting EPRINT means the legacy systems will use the security information loaded into ePrint. Selecting BANNER [Application] means that ePrint will use the security module on the Banner server for that application. Selecting SINGLE SIGNON means that you want to enable this repository to share security with another system. A protocol has been developed to share information about the logged-in user between ePrint and another system. |
Defaultgroup: | The default group identifies the user group to be used for this repository's reports when no other group is specified. The group name is Users. This is only applicable for ePrint defined repositories. For more information about maintaining user groups, click here. |
Superusergroup: | The group named Superusers will be the highest level group used for this repository. Users associated with the Superusers group will have access to all the reports in the repository. This is only applicable for ePrint defined repositories. For more information on maintaining groups, see "Maintaining User Groups (Overview)". |
Passwordchange: | You may allow Users to change their passwords by repository. Select YES to allow Users to change their ePrint operator password only. No change will be made to the legacy operator. Select NO to deactivate this feature for this repository. |
BANNER [Application] | |
Connection Type: | This field indicates how ePrint will connect to Banner security. Values are DEFAULT and TNSNAMES. DEFAULT will use the regular connect type. If TNSNAMES is selected, an additional field (TNSNAMES Entry) will display. Enter the TNSNAME ID for the Banner server. |
COAS: | This is the Chart of Accounts that will be associated with this repository. This is a required field for FINANCE and HR repositories |
Hostname: | This is the name associated with the Host System (Banner). |
Sid: | This is the SID to the Host machine (Banner). |
Port: | This is the port assignment for the Host machine (Banner). |
User: | This is the Oracle user name for the ePrint signon. |
Password: | This is the password for the Oracle User defined in the previous field. |
Test Database Connection: | Use the link to test the connection between the ePrint Server and Banner server. |
Singlesignon: | See explanation below. |
Activate Transfer: | This field is used to activate the BLOB report transfer process from Banner. |
Use VPD: | If Banner has been configured to use MEP (Multi-Enterprise Processing), also known as VPD (Virtual Private Database), select YES. The following field will be added to the display. |
Vpdcode: | Enter the MEP value for the identity that will be associated with this repository. |
Use CAS: | If this repository is to use CAS (Central Authentication Service), to validate users, select YES. The following field will be added to the display. |
CAS URL: | Enter the CAS login page URL. |
Redirect URL: | Type the URL for the login page shared by the other system and ePrint. This page will be displayed when the user needs to log back in (e.x., when the user logs out or is timed out of the system.) |
Cookie Name: | Type the name of the cookie to be used for shared security. The name must be agreed upon by the ePrint administrator and the administrator of the shared system. |
Cookie Domain: | Type the domain to be shared between the other system and ePrint (typically the institution's domain or an administrative subset of that domain). This domain name must start with a period. |
Secret: | Type the secret phrase (like a password) to be used for encryption purposes. |
Timeout: | Type the number of seconds of inactivity allowed before a user is timed out of ePrint (i.e., the number of seconds that the cookie is "alive"). When the user is timed out, a message will appear which directs the user back to the shared login page (the "Redirect URL" defined above). You may skip to the description of the "Hidden" field below. |
Hidden: | Hidden repositories will not appear on the repository drop-down lists, so that users will not be able to select them. You might want to hide a repository that is not fully populated yet, or one that is in the process of being phased out. From the drop-down list, select NO if you do not want to hide the repository, or YES to hide the repository from view. |
Use Encryption: | Select if the reports stored in ePrint will be saved as GPG encrpyted files. |
All fields that cannot be modified will be protected, all other fields may be changed.
When finished adding, modifying or deleting repository data, select Finished at the bottom of the Repositories page. Your updates are saved. (To exit the wizard without saving your changes, select Cancel.)
NOTE: Once you have created a repository, that repository must be initialized before it can be used by ePrint. For information on that task, see "Initializing Repositories".