D Using the Repository Configuration Wizard

The Repository Configuration Wizard guides you through the process of creating and maintaining your organization's repositories. Access this wizard by selecting Repository Config from the Super Administrator Tasks section at the bottom of the main menu. (Only the designated super administrator for your site will be able to view this section of the "Choose Administrative Task" page.)

A repository is a storage area for a set of related reports, along with security data and other rules that will enable Banner ePrint to access and format the report data. Each ePrint repository typically corresponds to one of your applications (for example, finance or human resources). You may define an unlimited number of repositories, based on your requirements.

Accurately defining the repositories is critical to the implementation of Banner ePrint. Ellucian's training will assist you with this important setup procedure. Ongoing maintenance is minimal, and typically will be required only if you add a new application. ePrint's wizard will prompt you for all the necessary information.

For information on navigating through an ePrint wizard, see "Navigating Through a Wizard". For information on a specific repository maintenance task, see below.

To create a new repository configuration file:

Type a unique, alphanumeric identifier into the field in the Create New File at the bottom of the dialog box.

To create a new configuration file without a template:

To create a new repository configuration that is not based on a template, select the From Scratch option.

To use another repository configuration as a template:

As a data entry shortcut, you can copy a selected repository configuration and then change the fields as required. Select the Copy selected as template option. From the list box, select the repository whose definition you wish to copy.

CreateThen select Create. The system will display the Repositories section of the wizard. See below for information on maintaining the repository information.

To delete a repository configuration file:

DeleteFrom the list in the Edit Existing File at the top of the dialog box, select the repository you wish to delete. Then click Delete. A confirmation message will appear, to verify your intentions. Click OK to delete the repository and all its related information.

To maintain repository information:

After you select a repository for creating or editing, the system will present the first section of the wizard (Repositories). For information on navigating through an ePrint wizard, see "Navigating Through a Wizard".

To exit the wizard:

You may select Finished to save your changes or Cancel to discard (ignore) your updates. The system will display the Repository Configuration Wizard page where you can either exit the wizard or re-open it to make additional changes.