The incoming log is a processing summary for the controlling program that runs on the Banner ePrint server and handles both report parsing and security loading. This page appears when you select Incoming from the Repository Administrator Tasks section. ("Choose Administrative Task" page).
This log is useful for general troubleshooting. It provides high-level status/diagnostic messages on both the report parsing and security loading processes, including the date and time each process was active. After referring to the incoming log, you may need to view the report parser log or the security loader log for more detailed information.
Remember that the incoming log pertains only to the selected repository.
Log entries are stored on the ePrint server for a period of five weeks. When displaying a log, you indicate which week's log to use (current week, last week, two weeks ago, etc.). You also can change the number of lines of the display, so that you can view more or less of the log's entries. See the "Changing a Log Display" topic for more information.