Use this page to create, edit, activate/deactivate, or delete a repository message. A link to the message will be displayed at the top of the repository list (first page after you log in). Below the link will be the date and time the message was last updated/created. Click the link, to display the message in a new window. Close the window, to return to the repository list.

You may define and store any number of messages within Banner ePrint, but only one message may be active for display at a time.

To create a repository message:

Create Enter an alphanumeric identifier for your new message and click Create. The system will display the "Create Repository Message" (new message) page.

Select how you would like the message to be displayed. You can select the Message Link Display using one of the following choices:

Error will display Error
Informational will display Error
Help will display Error
Warning will display Error

Finished Enter the message in the input box. You can use HTML code to enhance the display of the message. When you are done, click Finished.

To edit a repository message:

Edit Highlight the message identifier you want to change and click the Edit button. The system will display the "Edit Repository Message" page.

Finished When you have completed editing the message, click Finished.

To activate / deactivate a repository message:

On-Off Highlight the message identifier you want to activate or deactivate and click On/Off. You will receive a message indicating that the message display is on or off. If the message is being activated you will see "(On)" next to the message identifier.

To delete a repository message:

Delete Highlight the message identifier you want to delete and click Delete. A confirmation dialog will appear, to verify your intentions. Click OK to delete the repository message.

Related Topics

System Messages